About me...
Cindy Soula
French painter artist, Montpellier (France)
I am a painter. I work and live in Montpellier. Originally from Lozère, I studied in Mende and then in Paris. I've been painting for several years. After a career for field with in diverse training, the artistic experience imposed itself on me.
I observe. Since childhood. If the look preceded the gesture, I drew very early on. My gaze questions existence in the broadest sense of the term, and questions the individual in his or her relationship to the world. Nurtured by literature, with an interest in Asian philosophy and the social novels of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, theater and stage acting were also a way for me to relate to others and externalize my sensibility. While painting allows me to convey what I see, my realistic works leave a lot to my imagination, opening windows onto the invisible. I make my inner and outer spaces overlap. I wander through the history of art, but at the same time assert my creative freedom. Like Edward Hopper, I sometimes evoke solitude or melancholy, to create a more metaphysical atmosphere.
My practice is characterized by precision of gesture and attention to detail. An attraction to light and shadow. I place particular value on my colors. Patience perverse through my brushes in rendering my reality. While I have a predilection for oils on canvas, I sometimes use watercolors for illustrations or acrylics for murals.
I exhibit my work in various galleries in France and Italy. I work hand in hand with from institutions and art professionals.
Marzia Callai
Le donne di Cindy
La luce e l’ombra
creano la vita
su fondali di una città
senza nome, asettica
dietro le finestre
Solo la donna è viva
nella luce che coglie
gesti quotidiani
nel mistero dei passi
nello sguardo che fugge
in un mondo segreto.
Solo la donna sa
riempire di sè
tutto lo spazio
Marzia Callai
Les femmes de Cindy
Light and shadow
create life
on the backdrop of a nameless
nameless, sanitized
behind windows
Only the woman is alive
in the light that picks
in daily gestures
in the mystery of footsteps
in the gaze that flees
in a secret world.
Only a woman can
to fill all space
with herself.
Marzia Callai
Marzia Callai was born and lives in Volterra, Tuscany. She has a degree in modern and contemporary literature from the University of Pisa, and has taught at state schools and worked in education.
She has published two collections of poetry, In questo mare, in questa pietra (In this sea, in this stone), published by ETS, Pisa, and L'invenzione del tempo (The invention of time), recently translated into French and published by L'ours de granit.
Stefano Tonelli
Il silenzio di Cindy
C’è un silenzio disarmante nelle opere di Cindy, un silenzio che rimanda agli sguardi di Hopper e al “meriggiare pallido e assorto” di Montale. Lei attraversa gli spazi cromatici della sua esistenza senza sorpresa, se c’è il sole vuol dire che il sole c’è, se piove è perché piove. Una profonda solitudine che si fa interrogazione sul senso della vita e soprattutto sul nostro esistere. Forse solo le ombre sembrano rassicurare sulla nostra reale presenza che si fa carne per un attimo per ritornare poi all’assenza.
Cindy's silence
There's a disarming silence in Cindy's work, a silence that echoes Hopper's gaze and Montale's “midi faire halte pâle et pensif”. She crosses the chromatic spaces of her existence without surprise. If there's sun, it's because there's sun; if it's raining, it's because it's raining. A profound solitude that questions the meaning of life and, above all, our very existence. Perhaps only the shadows can reassure us of our real presence, which becomes flesh for an instant, before returning to absence.
Stefano Tonelli attended the Art School of Volterra starting a long artistic journey that still continues. His "signs" have taken him to many Italian and foreign cities, from New York to Paris, from Berlin to Madrid, from Lisbon to Hamburg, to name but a few. During these years, a fragment of Cesare Pavese's The Moon and the Fires has always served as his compass : "You need a country, if only for the pleasure of leaving. A country means not being alone, knowing that among the people, among the plants, in the earth there is something of you that even when you are not there, remains waiting for you.
Roberto Veracini
Corpi in solitudine
(Cindy Soula. Istantanee di non-vita contemporanea)
La vita che scorre nell’attimo che si perde. Un’ultima immagine per fissare il tempo, poi solo corpi che si dimenticano. Come se fosse impossibile ogni altra forma di esistenza. Si vive così, in solitudine, non consapevoli. Una finzione scenica asettica, imperscrutabile. Tutto appare indistinto, lo sguardo è assente, la luce è ombra, non si aspetta niente e non c’è speranza. Solo i gesti appesi in una cornice che non ci appartiene. Così siamo diventati. Corpi in solitudine.
Corps en solitude
(Instantanés de non-vie
La vie qui court dans l’instant qui se perd. Une dernière image pour retenir le temps, puis seulement des corps que l’on oublie. Comme si chaque autre forme d’existence était impossible. L’on vit ainsi, en solitude, sans le savoir. Une fiction scénique aseptisée, indéchiffrable. Tout devient indistinct, le regard est absent, et la lumière se fait ombre, on n’attend rien et il n’y a pas d’espérance.
Les gestes seulement, suspendus dans un cadre dont nous ne faisons pas partie.
Ainsi sommes-nous devenus. Des corps en solitude.
Roberto Veracini was born and lives in Volterra. He has published several collections of poetry, some of which have been translated into French. He was one of the founders of the literary magazine Pioggia obliqua. In 2010, he was featured in the French anthology. Les poètes de la Méditerranée (aux éditions Gallimard), préfacée par Yves Bonnefoy.