
Cover illustration
Allez le dire à l'empereur
Mandate a dire all'imperatore

Cover illustration collection of poems by Pierluigi Cappello
Translated from Italian by Giovanni Angelini
Published by L’ours de granit

Illustration book for Capello Pierluigi

Cover illustration
24 poèmes pour 2024

Front cover illustrations and poems
Collection of poems compiled by the prefect of Lozère
Published by L’ours de granit

Illustration couverture de livre Recueil de Poèmes

L'Aube de Delphes

Author Bernard Vanel
Preface by Sylvie Germain
Paintings by Cindy Soula, cover and illustrations
Published by L’ours de granit

In a series of short, dense stories, the author evokes, with great concision and finesse, encounters made over time and in a wide variety of places, sketching a geography of zigzags across Europe and beyond...
Sylvie Germain
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