I made a series of 8 paintings presenting women in an urban environment.
The world of the street is a "bouillon de vie", a place favourable to freedom of expression in the diversity of scenes it offers. It is an open-air theatre, a place of intense activity, a transit zone. It brings together cultures, ages and sexes. It is rich in experience and gives off great energy.
Women evolve in an indeterminate space-time, highlighting her own condition, but also that of the human being by questioning the meaning of existence. These suspended moments give an impression of communion with something greater, something beyond us all.
These concerns echo within me and take me back to the dawn of my life, when I was brutally cut off from my source, my mother, and also from my twin sister, spending endless days in a closed and hermetic universe, that of the incubator. This was my first experience of the solitude of being and this state of consciousness has been imprinted on me. I look at the world with hindsight and I question existence in all its thickness.
I have come to terms with it and now I fully accept this place which gives me a feeling of freedom.
To embody the values I cherish, I selected evocative characters to whom I attributed the names of Etruscan deities. In this civilisation, the role of women was predominant, both politically and administratively. She participated in social life in the same way as men, taking part in public ceremonies, dances, games and banquets. She was free, independent and autonomous.
étrusques. Dans cette civilisation, le rôle de la femme est prépondérant, tant au niveau politique qu’administratif. Elle participe à la vie sociale au même titre que l’homme, prenant part aussi aux cérémonies publiques, aux danses, aux jeux, aux banquets. Elle est libre, indépendante et autonome.
Oil on canva 92 x 65 cm
A nod to the Etruscan goddess of childbirth, represented by a young girl who is absorbed in her thoughts. She is walking down the street and seems detached from her surroundings. Time is suspended. Only the spirit is active and Thalna is going to allow her delivery, symbolised here by the window and the intense light.
Thalna is pure consciousness.
Thalna est conscience pure.
Oil on canva 92 x 65 cm
Eleutheria is autonomous and independent. She crosses space and time with a confident step. No one will dare stand in her way. She emanates an assurance and strengh that commands respect. The dark windows do not make her waver. Her shadow side that precedes her is assumed. Her mame is freedom.
Son nom est liberté.
Oil on canva 92 x 65 cm
Etruscan deity, queen of the gods, Uni saves and fights. She steps into the foreground, her silent determination and boldness pushing her opponent back. People move aside as she passes. She emerges from the shadows and unleashes her energy in the service of her people.
She is a protector of women
Elle est protectrice des femmes.
Oil on canva 92 x 65 cm
Artemis among the Greeks. Apollo's twin sister is the goddess of nature and hunting. She also protects women. Aritimi watches over the world and things. Vigilant and serene, agile, ready to intervene in case of need. Aggressive and natural with the green of her jumper, the dominant yellow makes her as sunny as her twin brother. Between strength and gentleness, Aritimi embodies the part of the wild and refined woman. This fourth canvas, halfway through my creation, resonates with an intimate echo, my first name coming from the ancient Greek Kunthia, which was the nickname of the goddess Artemis.
And like her, I am also a twin.
Et moi-même comme elle, je suis aussi jumelle.
Oil on canva 92 x 65 cm
The Etruscan goddess of intelligent thought, wisdom and the arts. Here she is sitting in a café, immersed in her thoughts, leafing through two open books. She is probably a learned woman whose knowledge and wisdom are materialised by the light that floods her and opposes the obscurantism of the black background.
Oil on canva 92 x 65 cm
Etruscan goddess of fate and fortune. This woman moving towards her destiny, towards her luck, serene, her path is marked out. The pocket of light presages a radiant future, enjoying protection in the heart of a universe made hostile by the shadow. However, the green of the skirt and the green of the sign exalt hope.
Oil on canva 92 x 65 cm
Goddess who presides over the movement of humans. She watches over the comings and goings of children when they leave home for the first time. Sitting in a train, radiating with all her being, she spreads a protective light all around her. The blue and yellow colours contribute to the impression of peace, confidence, joy and gentleness. Her calm and serene stature inspires confidence. Adbeona is natural, moves through life with simplicity and is not afraid of change.
Oil on canva 92 x 65 cm
She is the goddess of love, fertility and earthly pleasures. Turan is bathed in the light towards which her whole being tends. Turning her back on death, darkness and dark forces, she embodies life and all its beauties. As a young athletic woman, she is in touch with the outside world (the metro station, the telephone...), she communicates and encourages encounters. As such, she transmits the species. Source of renewal, she announces happy days.
Source de renouveau elle annonce des jours heureux.