
Exposition Collective UKRAFT | Musée National de Lviv | Ukraine
4 - 22 septembre 2024

Exhibition JUMELLES | Maison Consulaire Mende
10 July - 10 August 2024

Exhibition OCEAN | Galerie 34 - 82110 Lauzerte
16 - 22 June 2024

Exhibition JUMELLES | Espace Saint Ravy Montpellier
01 - June 23, 2024

Exposition Cindy Soula Saint Ravy Montpellier

intervention | illustration Front cover MANDATE A DIRE ALL'IMPERATORE by Pierluigi Cappello | Notte Dei lettori Udine Italie
8 june 2024

Charity gala Féminin Pluriel Montpellier Méditerranée
May 23, 2024

Participation in the annual charity gala organized by the association Féminin Pluriel Montpellier Méditerranée in collaboration with LineUP, in aid of the national association Face à L'Inceste. Funds raised will be used to finance a training kit.

Participation Gala Caritatif Féminin Pluriel
Participation Gala Caritatif Féminin Pluriel
Participation Gala Caritatif Féminin Pluriel

Exhibition Festival What A Trip - Agora Le Crès
23 January - 4 March 2024

Illustration of a collection of poems 24 POEMES POUR 2024
Front cover and poems collected by Philippe Castanet Prefect of Lozère

Exhibition DOUBLE VISION | Palazzo Dei Priori Volterra Tuscan Italy
24 April - 8 May 2023

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